Spring 2020: Introduction to Experimental Particle Physics (171.408 and 171.625)
The course is suitable for advanced physics undergraduates and
beginning graduate students interested in experimental high energy physics.
Some basic knowledge of non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Theory of
Relativity, and relevant mathematical techniques is required.
However, material will be presented in a phenomenological and
empirical way with the emphasis on experimental aspects of the field.
Other more advanced courses on particle physics are recommended for
deeper studies of theoretical formalism.
The following material will be used in the course:
Requires textbook "Introduction to High Energy Physics"
by Donald Perkins (4th edition, by Cambridge University Press, 2000).
Do not expect mathematical rigor from this book.
However, this is a great introductory material which
will serve as the main guide throughout the course.
It combines all recent developments in particle physics with
the balance between experiment and theory.
Recommended textbook
"Introduction to Elementary Particles"
by David Griffiths, second edition (by Wiley, 2008).
This is a great mathematically rigorous introduction at appropriate
level. However, most experimental aspects of the field are not covered.
The instructor will use some chapters of this book to
complement the main textbook.
Additional optional textbook
"The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics"
by Robert N. Cahn and Gerson Goldhaber, second edition
(Cambridge University Press, 2009)
Historical overview of experimental particle physics
with an overview of original articles.
Summary of elementary particle properties.
It is the most up-to-date and detailed reference material
and is available both in print and on-line at
http://pdg.lbl.gov. We will use handouts.
The instructor is one of the contributing
of this Review, which is published every other year and
is the most cited publication in the field.
You may also talk with the instructor if you are interested in
research opportunities
in experimental particle physics,
such as study of the Higgs boson and search for new phenomena at the Large Hadron Collider.
Supporting material:
online system
for keeping your scores and providing some class-internal material.
SIS (Student Information System):
online system
for registration, class email lists, grades.
List of papers for presentation: links
Sat Mar 2 14:00:35 EST 2019