Introduction to Experimental Particle Physics (171.731/171.408)
Particle physics is standing within reach of new discoveries.
The undiscovered symmetries of nature which unify the fundamental
forces and particles, the puzzle of dark matter and energy, and
the apparent lack of antimatter in our Universe, all these mysteries
are expected to be uncovered at an unprecedented energy scale with
the new collider facilities. In this course we will review the
current knowledge in particle physics, go through the history
of the XXth century discoveries, learn about the experimental
techniques necessary to study elementary particles, and discuss
future directions of the field.
The course is suitable for advanced physics undergraduates and
beginning graduate students interested in experimental high energy physics.
Some basic knowledge of non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Theory of
Relativity, and relevant mathematical techniques is required.
However, the material will be presented in a phenomenological and
empirical way with the emphasis on experimental aspects of the field.
Other more advanced courses on particle physics are recommended for
deeper studies of theoretical formalism.
There are also
research opportunities
for both graduate and undergraduate students.
Johns Hopkins University faculty members are actively engaged in
the leading high energy physics experiments.
Contact the instructor if you are interested and want to learn more
about these opportunities. (It is not a requirement for this course)
The Particle Adventure for the basic on-line introduction of the subject.
HW1 due next Tuesday on Feb.6, 2007.
come to the first-year graduate student seminar at 12(noon) in 361
Reminder: Solve HW2
Reminder: Start solving HW3
Reminder: Today is the deadline for HW3
Next week is the Spring break, we will continue with Chapter 4
Reminder: Tomorrow is the deadline for HW4
Reminder: Tomorrow is the deadline for HW5
Come to the Johns Hopkins
Physics Fair
on Saturday, April 14, 2006 at 12 noon until 5
to see a lot of illustrations, including live tracks in
cloud chamber.
Reminder: Today is the deadline for HW6
Reminder: Today is the last class
The following material will be used in the course:
Lecture 1 (Jan 22, 2007): Introduction: course overview,
Discuss Quantum and Relativistic Mechanics,
Experimental approach, Energy and Size scale, Units,
Connection to Cosmology.
Lecture 2 (Jan 23, 2007):
Brief overview, see handouts:
History of the Universe
Review of relativistic kinematics and quantum mechanics with
examples (pion decay, colliders, neutrino oscillations, spin statistics).
Spin and helicity. Dirac equation.
Lecture 3 (Jan 24, 2007):
Leptons. Quarks. Hadrons: baryons, mesons.
Lecture 4 (Jan 29, 2007):
Conservation laws.
Unstable particles,
Breit-Wigner resonance, lifetime and width, conservation laws.
Decay chain to stable particles.
Lecture 5 (Jan 30, 2007):
Interactions: boson mediators. Feynman Diagrams, examples.
Electromagnetic interactions (QED), Lagrangian of QED.
Strong interactions (QCD), Lagrangian of QCD. Weak interactions.
Lecture 6 (Jan 31, 2001):
More on Weak Interactions.
Example of pion decay and helicity.
EW unification and Higgs particle. Higgs mechanism.
Speculations: pentaquarks and glueballs.
"New Physics": supersymmetry.
Reminder: Finish reading the first two chapters of the main textbook.
Lecture 7 (Feb.5, 2007):
Alpha-, beta-, gamma-, cosmic-rays. Radioactive sources.
Cosmic-ray particles. History: Thompson and Rutherford.
Major discoveries of the 20th century.
Papers for in-class presentations.
"Experimental Particles Physics: Search for the Origin of Mass and Matter"
Lecture 8 (Feb.6, 2007):
Production of particles. Acceleration of particles.
Technical issues of accelerators.
Lecture 9 (Feb.7, 2007):
Examples of accelerator complexes. Luminosity and cross-section.
e+e- cross-section as a function of energy.
Lecture 10 (Feb.12, 2007):
Particle interaction with matter. Ionization energy loss.
Lecture 11 (Feb.13, 2007):
Multiple scattering. Electron interactions. Photon interactions. Electro-magnetic shower. Nuclear interactions.
Lecture canceled due to weather (Feb.14, 2007)
Reminder: Read chapter 11 of the main textbook.
Reminder: Next week is the deadline to select a paper.
Lecture 12 (Feb.19, 2007):
Detectors of elementary particles. Position detectors: emulsion, cloud chamber,
bubble chamber, spark chamber, streamer chamber, proportional chambers, drift
chambers and time-projection chambers.
Lecture 13 (Feb.20, 2007):
Detectors of elementary particles. Position detectors: silicon strip and pixel detectors.
Momentum detectors: magnetic spectrometers. EM shower detectors.
Lecture 14 (Feb.21, 2007):
Detectors of elementary particles. Scintillators. Hadronic calorimeters.
Particle identification principles. Time-of-flight, dE/dx, Cherenkov light,
Transition radiation. Examples of modern detectors.
Reminder: Finish reading chapter 11, we move to chapter 3 next week.
Reminder: Today is the deadline to select
a paper, summary page in two weeks.
Lecture 15 (Feb.26, 2007):
Fundamental symmetries and conservation laws: energy, momentum, angular momentum, charge.
Other symmetries: P, C, CP, T, CPT. Baryon and lepton numbers. Sakharov conditions. Parity of mesons.
Lecture 16 (Feb.27, 2007):
Parity of a complex system. Charge conjugate symmetry: mesons and other examples.
P- and C-conservation in strong and EM decays. Flavor symmetry: isospin and SU(2)
Lecture 17 (Feb.28, 2007):
Flavor symmetry: isospin SU(2), SU(3). G-parity. Examples of isospin symmetry in strong decays.
Lecture 18 (Mar.5, 2007):
Neutral Kaon mesons: CP violation and time-evolution.
Lecture 19 (Mar.6, 2007):
Quarks in hadrons: analogy with the hydrogen atom and positronium. Quarkonium spectra.
Reminder: Tomorrow is the deadline for one-page summary
Lecture 20 (Mar.7, 2007): Mid-term EXAM
Reminder: Start solving HW4
Lecture 21 (Mar.19, 2007): Charmonium decays.
Heavy flavor mesons. Light mesons and singlet-octet mixing.
Lecture 22 (Mar.20, 2007):
Quarks in hadrons: baryons.
Lecture 23 (Mar.21, 2007)
Baryon magnetic moment and mass. Proton structure.
Lecture 24 (Mar.26, 2007)
Partons in hadrons: lepton-nucleon scattering. Hadron-hadron scattering. QCD potential at small distance.
Reminder: Start solving HW5
Lecture 25 (Mar.27, 2007)
QCD potential at large distance. Quark mass. Angular distribution in scattering. e+e- => mu+mu-, 2jets, 3jets, any hadrons.
Lecture 26 (Mar.28, 2007)
Anomalous magnetic moment. Running coupling constants in QED and QCD. Gluonium. Quark-gluon plasma.
Lecture 27 (Apr.2, 2007)
Lecture 28 (Apr.3, 2007)
Weak interactions: Weak and EM currents, Dirac equation, types of operators,
V-A theory, polarisation of fermions.
Lecture 29 (Apr.4, 2007)
Observation of Parity violation. V-A operator. Propagator of a massive
and massless boson. Fermi theory. Pion decay. Observation of W and Z.
Lecture 30 (Apr.9, 2007)
Weak interactions: Cabibbo angle, GIM mechanism, CKM quark-mixing matrix.
Reminder: Start solving HW6
Lecture 31 (Apr.10, 2007)
Constraints on CKM matrix, CP violation, direct-CP violation, loop and box diagrams.
Lecture 32 (Apr.11, 2007)
Lecture 33 (Apr.16, 2007)
Lecture 34 (Apr.17, 2007)
Neutrino mixing and neutrino physics. Solar and atmospheric
neutrino experiments.
Lecture 35 (Apr.18, 2007)
Reactor neutrinos and
neutrino beams, sterile and Majorana neutrinos.
Largrangian of Electromagnetic interactions.
QED and QCD Largrangian. Weak isospin
and hypercharge current.
Lecture 36 (Apr.23, 2007)
Largrangian of Electroweak interactions.
Lecture 37 (Apr.24, 2007)
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism.
Lecture 38 (Apr.25, 2007)
Physics beyond the Standard Model.
Reminder: Final exam is
on Friday May 4 at 9am-12(noon)
Andrei Gritsan
Last update: Mon Apr 23 16:38:12 EDT 2007